"Vanilla – A feast for the senses!"
Wollenhaupt Vanille and I:
My focus is on the supply chain, since 2012 I am in direct touch with our suppliers to ensure sufficient stock of different types of vanilla. I am happy to be able to use my foreign language skills when communicating with our international contacts. Our product portfolio is constantly growing, consequently the number of raw materials needed is increasing steadily. I very much like to maintain and coordinate the resulting new purchasing contacts.
We are able to offer our products with different certifications, if you ever have any questions about Organic, BIOSUISSE ORGANIC or Fairtrade, you can contact me at any time.
Actually I benefit from slightly reduced working hours, my two children make sure that the rest of the day is as interesting as my work in the vanilla team.
My secret vanilla recipe:
The vanilla mill is always on our breakfast table. Honey, jam or chocolate spread – all sandwiches are refined with a pinch of vanilla!