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Nils Bohla - Managing Director

Nils Bohla - Managing Director

"Vanilla means responsibility to me"

Wollenhaupt Vanille and I:

I was born 1971 as youngest child of a vanilla trader and a teacher. After graduating from school I served in the military and afterwards earned my professional degree in foreign trade before I went to spend 2 years of my young professional career in Madagascar.

I joined Wollenhaupt in 1997 as a salesman for export business and it was 2006 that I was confided with the responsibility for the vanilla business unit in the position of director. January 2020 I was appointed the sole managing director of the recently founded Wollenhaupt Vanille GmbH (Ltd). I enjoy assuming responsibility for a great team of > 50 colleagues in administration and production that is aiming for further growth and innovation.

My family of four is my pride and gives a meaning to everything. I could not imagine life without sports and good food. I wish I could spend more time in the mountains in my spare time.

My secret vanilla recipe:
I love plain yoghurt with vanilla paste and to me, white asparagus would only be half as good without vanilla.